Society and Me

It usually is suppose to be about new horizons in everybody but todays economics makes man reason less and react without need. Maybe it is as it said that character is like smoke, it will ooze out definately. 

Marriages used to be the founding pillar of any being in the society, where men, children and women are tutored to abide by the norm code of ethics but trust me all these in our bid to be civilized is out the window with it tail crawling out the door. Nobody seems to care to be patient, kind or smile with genuineity. 

For me, I think the society is loosing not because it doesn’t care or the people in can’t be good. It is just the standard if have lay bare for ourselves without need. For example, today’s fashion craze is to go naked because there are people to look up to in that direction, this put undue pressure on those who choose modesty over nudity. We really need to recalibrate our retarding mentality. 

Marriages are suffering because both party in it thinks ‘it isn’t my problem’ not realizing that the family is like part of the body, when one part is affected other part cry fowl. Children bares the brunck of a failed marriage. I think those feminist challenging the stratosphere have loose the intrisic reasons for their cause holding vaguely and cluelessness. The word feminist  is only vibrant among the lazy constrict of the society. To give and sacrifice doesn’t mean your weak but strong. 

The society needs to be renutured and watered back to life. It start with your marriage and family. It start with you. The Economy  will not bear fruits when we continue to trim and groom crooks and corrupt children in the bedroom. The society will never be safe unless either holding on to old beliefs or tune in new ones. 

The society is gone when no one cares

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